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2 Answers

SaveEdit vs FieldChange

Asked by: 4831 views PeopleCode

To validate a field on a page, which event (SaveEdit or FieldChange) would you use and why?

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2 Answers

  1. newbee on May 12, 2012 Reply

    To validate a field on a page, I would use SaveEdit event. Because FieldChange event is basically used to track the changes as the name suggest. If there are any changes in the values of the page fields it recalculates same and if there are any changes in the page controls. .

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  2. suresh on Apr 20, 2014 Reply

    save edit is used to validate the entire page when we click on save button (differed mode)
    at the time of validation app ser is interacting with database server.
    Field change event trigger after the sys edits and field edit successfully executed. and the functionlty of field change event is based on one field value in our page another field value is getting change. see the below example

    if BASIC=100, TA=100, DA=100 TOTAL=300
    IF BASIC=200 TA=100 DA=100 TOTAL=400
    basic,ta, da are from primary record and total from derived work record. if any one of the above field value have changed the total value have to change.

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