
Archive: Page 3

Getting Ready to Generate XML / BI Publisher Reports

Looking to learn XML / BI Publisher? This is the first post in the XML / BI Publisher tutorial series and will help get the ground work done before you start using this powerful reporting tool.

PeopleSoft Journal Uploader

PeopleSoft Journal Import Error – User-defined type not defined

The Journal Import Spreadsheet is a handy tool that helps you import large number of Journals easily. This post can help you with an uncommon error, User-defined type not defined, that you may encounter while using this utility.

6 Version Control Tools for PeopleSoft

Oracle doesn’t provide a version control feature for PeopleSoft. So here are some tools available in the market which can do version control and much more for PeopleSoft.

Insert into Longchars

Inserting into Record with Long Character Fields

Most of us here follow the good practice of executing our SQL statements directly against the database before using them within an SQLExec in PeopleCode, a view or an SQL actions in App Engines. Even after following this, we might get hit in some situations. Read on to find more.

Easily Locate Sections in Complex Application Engines

At times, Application Engines can get really big and searching for a Section within a complex App Engine can be a quite daunting. That said, PeopleSoft provides a feature to locate Sections within an App Engine with ease. Read on to figure out.

Setting Up and Using SpeedType in PeopleSoft

Do you frequently enter similar kind of Journals in which the Chartfield combinations mostly remain the same? SpeedType can help you key in such transactions faster. This post explains how you can easily set up and start using this cool feature.

Statistical Accounts in PeopleSoft

There are numerous ways in PeopleSoft to allocate indirect costs to different departments, or operating units or any other Chartfields. This post will show you how to do this using Statistical Accounts.

PeopleBooks 9.2

PeopleBooks 9.2

With the new releases hitting the market, Oracle has yet again shown their commitment to PeopleSoft. PeopleSoft 9.2 would help enterprises lower the total cost of ownership while providing complete functionality that is intuitive and easy to use.

LinkedIn Action Plan

9 Proven Steps To Get Ahead on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has grown into the biggest professional network of our times and is increasingly replacing traditional channels of recruitment and networking. This article will equip you with a simple action plan to conquer this modern tool and use it to your advantage.

MS SQL Server Temp Table

Use Temp Tables to Easily Insert Effective-dated Rows

Have you come across a situation where you had to insert a large number of effective dated rows into a table? Here’s an easy way to accomplish this using Temp tables. Keep reading for a quick tip.