Comma as Thousand Separator in File Layout?

Payables was going to be rolled out to a new country and they were happy to use an existing interface to send Vouchers as CSV files to PeopleSoft. To get them started with it, We had given a template to set the format in which CSV files would be structured.

Then they send us some sample interface files generated from the third party system and we tried loading them. The App Engine that load the file went into Error – not a big surprise for a first run. Upon invetigation it was found that the file had comma as a decimal separator in the Merchandise Amout field.

Our File Layout had not been configured to accept comma as a decimal separator for amount fields. But now that the business needs such a functionality, we will have to do a simple tweak in the File Layout field properties to make this happen – “Strip Characters” is what we are interested in here.

Strip Characters in File Layout Field Properties

Strip Characters in File Layout Field Properties

“Strip Characters” is the place where we specify what needs to be removed from the input buffer. This can not only be used to remove thousand separators but any character that you think unnecessary. You can also specify muliple characters to be removed – for example specifying :- would remove all : as well as –

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6 Responses
  1. Exactly what I’m looking for. Thanks!

  2. what if i want to strip a string like in a date time field i wan to remove ‘000000’ from it not single zeroes. cani achive it through this

  3. I have a string field (address) with comma. in that case how to handle it when we don’t have qualifier in the input csv file.

  4. How can I strip a carriage return/new line using Strip Characters?

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